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Emil Cioran (1911 - 1995)
He was born in Rasinari, Romania and educated at Bucharest University. A scholarship from the French Institute in Bucharest brought him in 1937 to Paris.
Emil Cioran's works constitute what the American novelist and critic William Gass has called "a philosophical romance on modern themes of alienation, absurdity, boredom, futility, decay, the tyranny of history, the vulgarities of change, awareness as a agony, reason as disease. "His friend Samuel Beckett, another exile in Paris, was one of many who helped Cioran out financially and was repaid by his advice.

la muerte es asta agora, lo mas rezio ke envento la vida
la vedradera elegansia moral konsiste en prezentar muestras viktorias komo derrotas
no moramos en un payis, moramos en una lingua
sohbet i lakerdi son fekundos solo entre espritos ke se konsagran a konsolidar sus propias duvdas
solo deskuvrimos la savor de muestros diyas kuando mos guadramos del obligo de tener un destino
solo tiene konviksiones el ke nada aondo